Beautiful PDFs from Your Markdown Notes

September 2018 · 5 minute read

This is a short post on how I write my notes in Markdown and convert them to beautiful PDFs using pandoc and the eisvogel template. I really like markdown - it’s simple and has just enough formatting features to be useful and expressive. It’s quick, too. I would not write notes in real-time with latex (way too slow), but it’s perfectly doable with Markdown.

You can turn Markdown files into PDFs that look like this:

formatted PDF paper



First, you need to have pandoc installed. If you’re on MacOS, you can use brew to install pandoc:

brew install pandoc

If you’re using Haskell Stack, you can install pandoc with:

stack install pandoc

On Linux distributions, you should be able to find pandoc in your package manager.

If you want to use bibtex for more elaborate papers, you will need to install the pandoc-citeproc package, which can be found on Homebrew.

Eisvogel Template

Now that you have pandoc, you need to install the theme. Clone this repo in a location of your choosing. Now that you have the template, you need to install it so pandoc can use the template.

Check to see if ~/.pandoc/templates already exists on your computer. If not, run mkdir -p ~/.pandoc/templates. Then you need to add the template to the directory. I recommend creating a symlink rather than copying it, so you can update the git repo and simply get template updates from there, rather than having to add the extra step of copying it over and maintaining synchronization yourself.

You can do this with:

ln -sf ./eisvogel.tex ~/.pandoc/templates/eisvogel.latex

If you want to use the eisvogel template by default whenever you convert markdown to latex or pdf, you can run

ln -sf ./eisvogel.tex ~/.pandoc/templates/default.latex



If you have the default template, then converting a markdown file to PDF with the template is as simple as:

pandoc -o example.pdf

If you want to select your theme, then simply run:

pandoc -o example.pdf --template eisvogel

I recommend creating a Makefile for directories that you will store a lot of markdown files in that you want to convert to PDF (such as a notes folder). You can leave your commands to generate PDFs in the Makefile, so once you’ve edited your files, you can simply run make and have your PDFs generated without much fuss.

My makefile looks like this:

.PHONY: all format

FILES := $(wildcard ./*.md)

	for file in $(FILES); do \
		pandoc $$file -o $(basename -s ".md" $$file).pdf; \

	for file in $(FILES); do \
		prettier --write --prose-wrap always --print-width 80 $$file; \

When I type make, my PDFs are generated from markdown files. The make format command uses a tool called prettier to format my Markdown files.

There are a lot of configurable options both in pandoc and included with the latex template that are documented here for pandoc and here for the template.


Bibtex is a popular tool for managing bibliographies in latex. Luckily, we can leverage bibtex and still do most of our writing in markdown, and use pandoc to incorporate bibtex bibliographies.

This assumes you’re familiar with bibtex, or at least have some tool that can generate bibtex bibliographies. A great, free, and open source tool is Zotero. If you just want a lightweight web interface to generate bibliographies, you can go to:

Now that you have your .bib file, you can optionally grab a .csl style file. It’s an XML file that defines how bibliography entries will be formatted in your document. This makes it easy to switch formats from say, APA, to MLA. You don’t have to supply a style file, because there is a default style that will be applied, but if you want to use a particular style, you can find many .csl files for common citation formats here. Warning: this is a massive repository.

Now that you have your .bib bibliography, and your .csl style file, you are all set to generate a bibliography from a markdown file (let’s assume you have some file called

You can generate PDF output via:

pandoc -t latex -s --filter pandoc-citeproc \
    --bibliography=citations.bib --csl=style.csl -o example.pdf

Note that you can also specify the bibliography file in the markdown file’s YAML front matter, like so:

bibliography: citations.bib

# Example markdown file

Hello, world!

Either way works.

If you run the command, you may be confused to find that your bibliography hasn’t actually shown up. This is because you haven’t used any references. This tool will only show citations that are actually cited in the paper.

Luckily, the syntax for citing bibtex entries in markdown is simple. In bibtex, every entry has a short name, which is what you’ll refer to in your citation syntax. This later will be expanded to the proper format as defined by your csl file.

Suppose we have some bibtex file that looks like this:


The name you’ll reference is example_citation, and you can use this citation like such:

# Example paper

Afnan deserves a higher salary [@example_citation, pp. 196].

If you just want to cite the paper without the page number, omit , pp. 196. If you want to cite a chapter you can use: [@example_citation, ch. 5].

Note: this article was edited on 05 Sep 2018 with information about how to use bibtex with the eisvogel template.